28 October 2008

holla holla holla holla holla

Oh emm gee! So, one time I was going to school and I got hit by a school bus. Not just any school bus, but a school bus filled with elementary children going on a field trip. Yeah, I know sounds awful. Thankfully! I was the only one injured! Yippeee! RIP little orphan camry.

MOVING ON... Here is a random card i made the other day for no reason. I don't have any plans to give it to anyone. In fact, I rarely send thank you cards unless its the in-laws or the gma and gpa.

A Muse Paper, Felt flowers cut by me, American Crafts thickers

1 comment:

Lori Barnett said...

This is adorable. I love your personally cute out felts! Wonderful :)